Plant care

The better to spray currants from pests if the leaves are already blooming
Currant bushes, like other plants, will reward their owner with fertility and high yields with proper care. Every gardener should remember the main stages of gardening in order to avoid problems when growing plants in the future. This article discusses the main measures that need to be taken during the formation of the first greenery. To grow a crop successfully, you need to be aware of the problems that can arise during the growing process. And in order to avoid a long and exhausting fight against pests or diseases, it is better to do the prevention of these ills. Insects that poison the life of currants Read more
How I fight pests on currants without using chemicals
I grow currants in large quantities in the country. Its berries are not only tasty, but also healthy. But to get a big harvest, I not only regularly care for the plant, but also carry out timely treatment against pests. Read more
How to prevent fungal infections of seedlings

If the seedlings are affected by a fungus, then young plants will not be easy to save. Therefore, it is better to think in advance about the safety of seedlings and engage in prophylaxis to prevent diseases.

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How I heal a tree for sunburn to avoid killing it
It is with great pleasure that every spring I return after a long absence to the dacha. In the springtime, a summer resident who is bored over the winter will face a lot of trouble at his personal plot. However, not all of them are pleasant. Read more
5 ways to prevent pulling seedlings
Growing seedlings is not an easy task. Only avid gardeners know how much work it takes to grow strong and strong bushes. One of the difficulties they face is stretching. Such plants take root very poorly and, in general, always die. Read more