Color meanings

The symbolic meaning of white roses, how to give flowers
Each flower has a specific meaning. Roses are no exception. People present roses to each other in different situations, showing their sincere attitude. The main principle of a bouquet of roses is their number, color, shape and type of buds. One rose presented means love. And 12 red roses are a symbol of strong love. On the day of the funeral, roses express sorrow.What do white roses mean
Meaning of flowers: language and symbolism of white bouquet, yellow and azalea
Flowers fill our life with joy, colors, tenderness, ennoble and give comfort to the room. Delicate colors of lovingly collected bouquets caress the eye and soothe. Collecting a composition of buds and inflorescences, the giver wants to express his feelings, benevolent attitude and gratitude.Yellow flowers
The meanings given to calla flowers
Flowers are most often presented in the form of bouquets. Since the era of the Ancient World, much attention has been paid to the design and gift ceremony of these bouquets. The combination of callas was not only a beautiful composition, but also a meaningful message, because each variety and color of the plant had its own meaning. Floriography, which means "the language of flowers", developed in the Middle Ages, when women had to secretly communicate with their beloved. Perhaps this topic is too vast and multifaceted, so it is advisable to limit ourselves to one flower. What do calla flowers mean
What does yellow mean in flowers?
What do yellow flowers mean
Despite its beauty, the rose is not so cute because of the thorns. And this is not surprising, because this plant is one of the famous representatives of the prickly Rosehip family. However, today roses are still some of the finest flowers on the planet.What do yellow flowers mean
The meaning of yellow chrysanthemums, what they are given for
What do yellow chrysanthemums mean?
Until now, no one knows which of the countries is still the real homeland of chrysanthemums. However, most of the researchers believe that it is the East. More than 3 thousand years ago there were references to it in China, and the Japanese coat of arms contains an image of this flower in gold color. What do yellow chrysanthemums mean?